Cristina Rigutto


I have extensive experience empowering scientists, scholars, and healthcare professionals to communicate complex topics in clear and engaging ways in order to get their message across to a non-specialist audience.

My background combines economics and science communication. I was the managing director of a social media agency, and I worked as social media editor at Public Understanding of Science peer reviewed Journal. Since then I have a keen interest in the use of social media to bridge the gap between science and society.

Currently, I am the coordinator of the Master in Communication of Science and Innovation (SciComm) at the University of Trento.

Elena Milani, PhD

I have a broad experience in teaching and training on social media and visual communication of research. My sessions emphasise efficiency and practicality while also addressing ethical considerations, such as respect for diverse perspectives, inclusivity, and responsible data sharing.

“Researchers often lack the time and resources to effectively communicate their work”. This is something I have often heard and experienced first-hand during my PhD and later as a research fellow in science communication at UWE Bristol (UK). Hence, my training sessions are designed with this concept in mind to offer pragmatic solutions that help participants enhance their communication skills and engage diverse audiences with impact.

Having worked extensively with data — both in academia and as a social media analyst for the European Science Communication Institute — I have also developed expertise in presenting data across various formats and audiences.

At the moment, I provide communication training for PhD and Early Career researchers in the Netherlands, and I teach visual communication at the Master’s in Communication of Science and Innovation (SciComm) at the University of Trento.

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